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yes, indeedy. my home page sucks rocks. it's one of the side effects of working in the internet (particularly the web edge of it) industry you spend all your time making other web sites look great, run great, and smell great. meanwhile, the representation of yourself stagnates away like a pile of rotting, aged, used socks over in the corner. plus, they're expensive socks ($50/year for domain names). in many ways, this home page is an accurate representation of me, as the core of my brain tends to consist of a wide variety of inspirations and ideas partially implemented plans which once put into practice exist in another location. what do i mean? well, for a quick tour, look at who and how entertainment, mediacast, fezguys, evolve, geek.org, addicted to noise, & iuma. my bands: stellavision, deth specula, mudkats (defunct), nerid cluster (hiatus). in the meantime, i've decided to take advantage of this fine all-nighter which is coming to a close (current time: 8:18am) to, as it were, clean up my dirty laundry. this may stay clean, and it might even turn into a new wardrobe heaven knows that's my plan.
just because i feel like it, here's a link to one of the very first iuma songs we put up back in '93. when i die, you can't have my organs by scott brookman. |
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