and now a moment out to read the card (albeit upside down)
this needs audio, yet there is none. i believe this is sophie's version of blowing a kiss. the plush frog has become attached to my leg. the pain of cuteness is unbearable.
the best thing about the first few birthday parties is that it's not too difficult to get a present bigger than you are.
sophie attacks sheila and my gift eagerly, ignoring aaron's attempts to lure her away with that can of tecate!
although sophie still looks enamored with this toy, in truth she is about to continue a recent streak of being brought to tears by something i'm involved with
a moment later it's all grins as she examines this bow which was stuck to the back of her head just a moment ago
ooh! an *action* photo! lookit her go!
a handstand (assisted)-- tada!
that's nothing... check out this yoga pose!