jon's home page sucks

yes, indeedy. my home page sucks rocks. it's one of the side effects of working in the internet (particularly the web edge of it) industry ­­ you spend all your time making other web sites look great, run great, and smell great. meanwhile, the representation of yourself stagnates away like a pile of rotting, aged, used socks over in the corner. plus, they're expensive socks ($50/year for domain names).

in many ways, this home page is an accurate representation of me, as the core of my brain tends to consist of a wide variety of inspirations and ideas­­ partially implemented plans which once put into practice exist in another location. what do i mean? well, for a quick tour, look at who and how entertainment, mediacast, fezguys, evolve,, addicted to noise, & iuma.

my bands: stellavision, deth specula, mudkats (defunct), nerid cluster (hiatus).

in the meantime, i've decided to take advantage of this fine all-nighter which is coming to a close (current time: 8:18am) to, as it were, clean up my dirty laundry. this may stay clean, and it might even turn into a new wardrobe­­ heaven knows that's my plan.

since i'm such a packrat and never throw anything out, here are links to previous sites which i've trashed (all similarly pathetic).

  • most recent offering up to 10/96
  • iuma home page (boy is that crusty)

  • just because i feel like it, here's a link to one of the very first iuma songs we put up back in '93. when i die, you can't have my organs by scott brookman.

    the way i often see myself
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